Tell us about your journey to become the artist you are today…
I had such a weird journey into where I am now. I moved countries at 14 – hence the slight Aussie accent – but I always knew I loved music. My mum's an opera singer and my dad plays guitar, and I was a little theatre kid from age four. Then I started doing choir. We went to Northern Australia and we sang this 40 minute repertoire to a lot of different primary schools all around the top end of Australia for two weeks, and it was the best experience of my life. We went to a lot of Aboriginal communities. I'd never seen anything like that at all – we didn't even speak the same language. It was just so nice seeing how impactful music could be on a community level.
When I started channelling difficult situations that were happening in my own life through music, I was like, “This is exactly what I want to do”. I really struggled to make friends in primary school, and I was like, “Oh, well, people might be mean, but music isn't, so I'm just gonna say everything that I would say,” – like a friend through songwriting, and then it just developed. Going to the BRIT school when I was 14 made a massive impact on my whole understanding of this industry.
What would you say are your early musical influences that made an impression on you?
It was a mix. It started off with a lot of musical theatre things, but I was a hardcore 2010s Katy Perry girl. Also, Lorde was an idol to me. I hopped on the Taylor Swift bandwagon a bit later. Ariana Grande was such a vocal inspiration for me as well with all her runs. Obviously, all of her inspirations like Atlantis Morissette, Avril Levine and Paramore were inspirations as well. Hayley Williams is the epitome of where I want to go.
My dad really inspired me in terms of his musical library, which was all Beatles, Joni Mitchell, Norah Jones, but it was Blondie that really stood out to me. She was hardcore. Ten year old me was like, “Yeah, she knows what she's doing. She's just just rocking it up there.”
Adele made a big impact for me a bit later on. She is just amazing. I was having such a difficult time in school and I was like, “Where did Adele go to school?” My mum said, “She went to this music school in London.” I was like, “Can I apply?” So she was a massive inspiration for me. Honestly, it's funny. I'll go through these periods of listening to a tonne of new music, and then periods when I'm just like, “I just want to listen to the world around me and not listen to a single note unless I have to write it”.